
"Nepali speaker"

Today Leya came home from school and told me that the teacher had made a sign that said "Nepali speaker" attached to a necklace.
When a child happened to speak Nepali the kid got this sign around his or her neck.
Already the first day the kids started turning on each other, telling the teacher if someone was speaking Nepali.
The kid that had the sign was also humiliated and laughed at.
I rushed over to the principal and told him my mind. It's scary, but they really don't understand the impact this kind of punishment has on the individual student.
99 % of the parents demand that their kids must speak English at all times. It's the same in all schools here in Nepal.
The parents apperently believes that English is the answer to all problems.
For us this is just too much and we alwyas tell the principal that we think the kids should learn more Nepali, their mother tongue.
We now have a generation gap where the parents don't know English and their kids don't know Nepali.
Sometimes I wish we could homeschool Leya, but we want her to be a part of the society a school is.
The sad part is that her English is horribel, both in speach and writing.
If you don't have qualified teachers you can make as many stupid signs as you like. It woun't help!
At least the principal was clever enough to back off and stop this stupid punishment.

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