
Happy Mother's day gifts

Instead of sending gifts to our mothers in Sweden at Happy Mother's day we give something to someone here who is in need of something specific.
This year I bought school books, for grade 5 and necessary stationary to the cow-boy I've written about in an earlier post.
If you put together all Christmas happiness for a lifetime, you will get close to what emotions went through this boy when he stood there and held his new books.
He was really hungry, so I bought him a plate of momos.
One of his sisters is apparently at the hospital with a burn injury, so every rupee they earn from the cow milk they have to pay to the hospital.
I have no clue when he ate before this meal, so I also bought a few kilos of rice, eggs and noodles he could bring back to his family.
It is impossible to fully understand what it's like to grow up this poor, to not even have food for the day.
I hope this smart boy will take the chance and study hard with his new books.
If he is determent I know he has a bright future.

My sister Tess in Sweden made a donation to LoveNepal, as a Mother's day gift to our mother.
LoveNepal is a Swedish organization doing whatever they can to rescue children and young women from brothels, that are more like prisons, where they are raped many times every day. They get beaten and some even gets killed.
They run seven orphanages and a school here in Nepal.
They are especially focusing on the Badi people that are untouchable in Nepal. Read more about the Badi people here. Their website is in Swedish, but please take a look here.
I was just going to publish a heartbreaking photo of a dirty little girl, sitting all by herself, but I decided to publish a photo of something positive from the work of LoveNepal instead.

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