

Teeth are something you take for granted. Til they start making trouble, that is.
I've had the best teeth. For the last 20 years I haven't made a single filling, but now the good times belongs to the past.
It started with a root canal a few months ago when I lost the only filling I had and now I have to make 5 (!?) other root canals.
Why haven't the teeth followed the rest of the body's evolution?
We are getting older and healthier, but the teeth don't seem to adapt to modern food intake.
Strange in my opinion and not so good for the wallet.
When I grew up we were thought that the tooth trolls Karius and Baktus were chased off with brushing your teeth morning and evening.
And in school we had the flour lady who popped by once in a while making us gargle liquid flour for two minutes without laughing.
Well, you can be happy with false teeth too!

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